My undergrad capstone project. A culmination of my research into the vulnerable nature of the human condition, photography, and woodworking.

This piece contains forty portraits, made with former lovers, peers, mentors, and strangers. The images were captured in places directed by the prompt “take me where you’re comfortable” What followed would be conversations in which participants would share how they defined their vulnerability.

These portraits, as a product of these conversations, are held inside a fifty-pound book made from reclaimed floorboards. The structure is a bisected accordion fold. The scale and outcome of the book is done to make it difficult for the lone individual to access, let alone carry. The book demands to be read collaboratively, forcing the hand of the viewer to seek a companion to view these images.

Reclaimed Wood, Printed Photographs, 40 willing and honest participants, Pentax Film Camera, 10 rolls of Kodak Porta 35mm film.